Grace 1

This is a blog for two people. Verity is taller. Momentarygrace is shorter and no longer a blond. Once upon a time we performed in a skit at a friend’s party as the Two Brains of a Dinosaur, which we both thought was genius. Not sure if anyone else did.

We have a lot in common: we were born a week apart, share the same Astrological sign (sun, ascendant, and a lot of the slower planets, our moons are different but both are water). We met in high school and bonded like cats. We have shared about 99.8% of the rest of our lives since that time. We live together. We are married, that happened only a few years ago, to make it official.

As much as we have in common in history, interest and tastes, we are far from identical. We share an overlapping space in the universe, but it takes both of us to create the depth of a third, possibly fourth (perhaps more) dimension.

Thus this blog.

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