Virus Buster Serge


All of the information below that is shown in QUOTES is taken word for word from my Virus cards. These cards were issued in 1998 and made in Japan.

The recently released Manga Entertainment DVD Volume 1 also has character information, which is shown below in italics.


Variable Gear: Halcyon Scarlet

"Nobody knows where his soul came from and where his soul goes. Would SERGE inherit the Karma and destiny of someone...? Only RAVEN knows the truth."

SERGE TRAIN An enigmatic soul, Serge is something of a mystery even to himself. Plagued by recurring lucid dreams which which point to an arcane connection to the Incubator, Serge was eventually overwhelmed by an irrational urge to seek vengeance against STAND's leader Raven. However, Raven seems to know much more about Serge than anyone, as was evident during the initial encounter in which Serge attempted to steal STAND's EX Driver. Apparently the vehicle had been pre-programmed in anticipation of the theft to both map Serge's physical and mental data, and fit the warrior with a customized Variable Gear. In the subsequent battle against the Virus-infested Armored Gear "Shiguld", Serge demonstrated uncanny fighting abilities - even surpassing the skills of STAND's veteran members. Facing theft and assault charges, Serge opted to accept Raven's offer to join the ranks of STAND - apprently conforming to Raven's master plan.
Age 20 Height 178 cm


Variable Gear: Painkiller White

"She used to be a juvenile delinquent in slums. She was picked out by RAVEN for her excellent sense of a fighter."

ERIKA TINEN Erika's bubbly personality and happy go lucky demeanor conceal a much darker past than most would suspect. Born to relative poverty, she spent part of her childhood in the same gloomy, dilapidated neighborhood as Serge. Pehaps because of this common past, Erkia has taken an immediate liking to STAND's puzzling new member. A capable fighter, Erika rarely carries a Gunblade - prefering instead to face her opponents with her bare hands. However, she is not without some clever resources of her own, such as the projectile tether concelaed within her Variable Gear's wrist.
Age 18 Height 164 cm


"Computer Proficient"

"She is a mermaid swimming in the sea of intelligence network. She supports STAND as an operator. She is pure hearted but she has a trauma, caused by the tregedy happened in her childhood."

The youngest member of STAND, Mirei is an accomplished computer operator and hacker, who's past, like so many of STAND's members is shrouded in mystery. Because of her considerable technical expertise, it falls upon her shoulders to operate the flying fortress known as the STAND Razorback - an armored combat transport from which she both monitors the vital statistics of the other operatives, and delivers any recent intelligence she's managed to gather. When information is power, Mirei is your girl - of course it doesn't hurt to be packing the firepower of the Razorback's two main cannons just in case.
Age 15 Height 150 cm


Variable Gear: Halcyon Black

"'THE BLACK VALENTINE' happened seven years ago. RAVEN is the only one who survived from it. He must be a key person of whole mystery."

Dark and foreboding, STAND's commander-in-chief is always in the right place, at the right time. Though he's a magnificent and highly intuitive warrior, his influence within the political spheres and intelligence communiities of Neo Hong Kong are both considerable and invaluable to the operation of STAND. Though he appears to have the trust of STAND's governing board, he nonetheless seems to know a great deal more than he's told anyone - both about his connection to Serge, and with respect to his intimate relationship with his mysterious, polymorphic ally, Dona.
Age 35 Height 188 cm


Variable Gear: Speeding Blue

"He lost his family because of the VIRUS. His hatred against the VIRUS drives him to become a member of STAND. Only fighting instincts relieves his miserable trauma."

JOUICHIROU Much like Erkia, Jouichirou prefers to close with opponents and engage in melee combat rather than participate in a firefight. To further facilitate this style of combat, Jouichirou carries two Gunblades - the first being a projectile weapon similar to that carried by other STAND members, while the second is designed to be used a a close-range piercing tool. He has also been known to carry a sword into combat on occasion. Perhaps because of the ease with which Serge mastered his Variable Gear, Jouichirou has a great deal of resentment towards him. However, amidst the surprising developments of late, who can blame a cautious wrrior for some degree of mistrust.
Age 20 Height 176 cm


Variable Gear: The Gold Discord

"He never reveals his intensions to join the STAND. He seems that he is looking for his raison d'etre among STAND, and his missing brother."

MACUS ALEXANDER BOGARD As STAND's seocond-in-command, Marcus consistently demonstrates a high degree of self-control in high-pressure situations. Frequently left in charge of the group during Raven's absence, Marcus is a natural commander. His ability to organize complex strategies during combat situations is partially a consequence of his fighting style. Unlike Erika and Jouichirou, Marcus is primarily a marksman and prefers to keep some distance between himself and an opponent. Wielding a modified Gunblade with enhanced firepower, Marcus maintains the perfect vantage from which to monitor and command the actions of the entire team.
Age 28 Height 191 cm


"A Technical Expert"

"She is good cheer always. Her technical support for V.G. is highly trusted by all STAND members. With ERIKA, they look like as if they were sisters."


"Hive Committee"

"She is a member of HIVE committee. But she never knows their intentions nor their true character."


"Mysterious Virtuality"

"'THE BLACK VALENTINE' deprived RAVEN of DONA, her body and soul, and everything. RAVEN desired to cheive slvation, and fabricated his DONA of virtuality."

He shows up first as a friend of Serge, living in the same slum area. He calls Serge, and provides him with forged credentials that allow Serge to gain entry to the Armored Gear showcase in order to confront Raven. From his conversation with Serge, it is implied that they have worked together before, probably to commit crimes such as theft, and that he has 'cleaned up after' Serge on previous occassions.

Ryu shows up again in later episodes in a very unusual guise.

Brain Lizard
This character appears to be a human being who has willingly cooperated with the Virus, and as a result gained incredible powers. He taunts STAND to engage them in a game of chase, but later his human identity is discovered, leading to a painful, and revealing confrontation with Raven and Serge.

Dr. Milan Trane

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Dr. Milan Trane is one of four people who were on the satellite, Helio-Lab IV. The other people on the orbiting lab were Raven, Dona and Ryu (?). They were all engaged in a project apparently to contact either God, or extra-solar life. When they did make contact with something, a confrontation occurred between Trane, who apparently 'heard' the mysterious other life form, and Raven, who believed this contact was too dangerous to risk. Dona ended up siding with Trane, and Raven shot and supposedly killed Trane. The resulting disaster was known afterwards as 'Black Valentine'. The satellite was abandoned, but it remained in a geosynchronous orbit over Neo Hong Kong and the newly-contacted life form began transmitting itself to Earth as the Virus. Serge is actually a clone of Trane, made by Raven.

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Virus Buster Serge © 1997 Virus Project
Used without permission for non-profit, fan enjoyment only.