Virus Buster Serge


A collection of random and possibly meaningless tidbits that have caught my eye or brain. Significance? Maybe a lot, maybe none at all.

Marcus: (Spelled variously - 'Macus' on the series opening sequence, 'Marcus' on my 'official' cards) Full name Marcus Alexander Bogard. From his last name and his looks, he could be a descendant of another character, Terry Bogard from Fatal Fury. A few notes about this have been noted here. This really has to be an in-joke, all the funnier when Marcus dons a bill-cap identical to Terry's trademark one in an episode.

Marcus's brother: Marcus is apparently seeking his missing brother. Could his brother be Jouichirou? Could it be Raven? Fangirls debate.

Nakedness: It's obvious from the character designs that male fans were being given a lot of eye-candy in the form of bouncing bosoms and shots up many a mini-skirted female crotch. I find it difficult to begrudge the guys this gratuitous stuff, though, because there is certainly an equal amount of eye-candy for the female fans. Gorgeous male forms abound, and Serge in particular has a penchant for nudity that I can only say amen and hallelujah to.

Neo Hong Kong: the series is set in Neo Hong Kong, but I haven't managed to spot any characters with Chinese names. Wait, I take that back. Won. Won could probably be considered Chinese.

The Upside-Down Pyramid: The main building for Zainell/the Hive, and also inside which the STAND operates, at least when they aren't in their various vehicles, this building fascinates me. If you've seen any of the series, you probably noticed right away that it is in the shape of an upside-down pyramid, balanced on its pointed top. I had to stare and stare at this before my mind resolved it into a pyramid. You may also notice that there is a complex of buildings around it, in which at least three or four rightside-up pyramids can be seen. I have no idea what it means but it sure is cool... The same building (I think) seen from the inside often shows an open ceiling structure in the shape of a five-sided shape. Weird.

Voice Acting:
Original VA's - At Hitoshi Doi's VA Database
Dub VA's - At CrystalAcid's DB

Zainell/The Hive Committee: My cards say, "The Hive", the DVD says, "Zainell". Are they the same? Not sure. But Zainell is the brand of phone Serge uses. And on at least one picture, he seems to have a Zainell tattoo on his left bicep. *drools*

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Want to add to, argue or debate the trivia? Email me.

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